
We keep you up to date on the latest tax changes and news in the industry.

February 2020 Individual Due Dates

February 1 - Tax Appointment

If you don’t already have an appointment scheduled with this office, you should call to make an appointment that is convenient for you. 

February 10 - Report Tips to Employer

If you are an employee who works for tips and received more than $20 in tips during January, you are required to report them to your employer on IRS Form 4070 no later than February 10.

Your employer is required to withhold FICA taxes and income tax withholding for these tips from your regular wages. If your regular wages are insufficient to cover the FICA and tax withholding, the employer will report the amount of the uncollected withholding in box 12 of your W-2 for the year. You will be required to pay the uncollected withholding when your return for the year is filed.

February 18 - Last Date to Claim Exemption from Withholding

If you claimed an exemption from income tax withholding last year on the Form W-4 you gave your employer, you must file a new Form W-4 by this date to continue your exemption for another year.

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Personal Income Tax Services

In addition to our normal tax preparation service, we also offer the Tax Assurance Packages for those clients who want more than just a tax preparation. These packages are annual packages which provide superior tax preparation, tax planning and access to a tax expert via e-mail. All of these additional services are free of charge to those clients who select on of our Tax Assurance Packages.

Bronze Assurance Package

$59 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries

  • E-Mail Access for questions (72 Hour Response)

Gold Assurance Package

$79 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation

  • 2 Tax Planning Meetings per year

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries

  • E-Mail Access for questions (24 Hour Response)

Silver Assurance Package

$69 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation

  • Annual Tax Planning Meeting

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries and E-Mail Access for questions (36 Hour Response)


Business Income Tax Services

In addition to our normal tax preparation service, we also offer the Tax Assurance Packages for those clients who want more than just a tax preparation. These packages are annual packages which provide superior tax preparation, tax planning and access to a tax expert via e-mail. All of these additional services are free of charge to those clients who select on of our Tax Assurance Packages. These packages include both the business and personal tax related preparation services.

Bronze Assurance Package

$199 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation (Business and Personal)

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries

  • E-Mail Access for questions (72 Hour Response)

Gold Assurance Package

$219 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation (Business and Personal)

  • 2 Tax Planning Meetings per year

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries

  • E-Mail Access for questions (24 Hour Response)

Silver Assurance Package

$209 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation (Business and Personal)

  • Annual Tax Planning Meeting

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries and E-Mail access for questions (48 Hour Response)