Mastering Your Finances: Your Personal Guide to Financial Freedom

"Mastering Your Finances: Your Personal Guide to Financial Freedom" is not just a book; it's your roadmap to a secure and thriving financial future. Penned by a seasoned accountant, this book puts the power of financial planning right at your fingertips. It promises to transform your financial landscape, from a confusing maze of numbers and jargon to a clear, well-trodden path towards prosperity.

The book uncloaks the often intimidating world of finance, breaking it down into easily digestible sections. It provides you with the tools and knowledge to craft a personal financial plan that aligns with your unique goals and aspirations.

Discover the profound impact of strategic financial planning as you journey through real-life examples, practical tips, and insightful advice. "Mastering Your Finances" is more than a guide; it's a lifeline to financial literacy and independence. Take control of your financial destiny and embrace the freedom that comes with financial stability. This book is an essential read for anyone seeking to navigate the world of personal finance with confidence and ease.

Secure your copy today
Paperback and Kindle versions available.


Personal Income Tax Services

In addition to our normal tax preparation service, we also offer the Tax Assurance Packages for those clients who want more than just a tax preparation. These packages are annual packages which provide superior tax preparation, tax planning and access to a tax expert via e-mail. All of these additional services are free of charge to those clients who select on of our Tax Assurance Packages.

Bronze Assurance Package

$59 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries

  • E-Mail Access for questions (72 Hour Response)

Gold Assurance Package

$79 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation

  • 2 Tax Planning Meetings per year

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries

  • E-Mail Access for questions (24 Hour Response)

Silver Assurance Package

$69 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation

  • Annual Tax Planning Meeting

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries and E-Mail Access for questions (36 Hour Response)


Business Income Tax Services

In addition to our normal tax preparation service, we also offer the Tax Assurance Packages for those clients who want more than just a tax preparation. These packages are annual packages which provide superior tax preparation, tax planning and access to a tax expert via e-mail. All of these additional services are free of charge to those clients who select on of our Tax Assurance Packages. These packages include both the business and personal tax related preparation services.

Bronze Assurance Package

$199 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation (Business and Personal)

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries

  • E-Mail Access for questions (72 Hour Response)

Gold Assurance Package

$219 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation (Business and Personal)

  • 2 Tax Planning Meetings per year

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries

  • E-Mail Access for questions (24 Hour Response)

Silver Assurance Package

$209 /mo
  • Annual Tax Preparation (Business and Personal)

  • Annual Tax Planning Meeting

  • Audit Assistance - We respond to audit inquiries and E-Mail access for questions (48 Hour Response)